“Ezra” _ WIP Masterpiece

Client: The World

Founder: Castro Desroches
Founder: Mommy

Contributor: Grandma
Contributor: Grandpa

In what I hope to be my ultimate masterpiece, I’ve been working on this piece titled “Ezra” going on 9 years now. Concepted in 2013 “Ezra” is a huge lifelong endeavor for me. I’ve had to sacrifice quite a number of sleepless nights, and early mornings working on this and I’m very proud of where it stands today.

While there is much work to do I hope to continue to draw influence from my own life and paint these broad strokes onto this piece and watch it take a whole new meaning within itself as it matures. I know from working on a piece like this I’ll learn much more about myself than I would have without, and for that I’m extremely happy to continue the journey in shaping it.

Although showing WIP work in a portfolio is a huge NO, I feel that what defines and distinguishes this piece above all others is the importance in it’s progress and capturing the journey to completion is part of the art.

Current Progress _ 

9 years _ 234 days_


8 years _ 96 days_

Dinner at the Republic

5 years _ 92 days_

Open Studio at the Guggenheim Museum